Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 8:25 p.m. |
A little theory I've picked up (though some of you will likely say it's source is common knowledge) is that in job searching it's as much who you know as it is timing and luck. Though my pool of sources is limited, the people I've known in such a short time over the past couple of years are proving very helpful in making sure I'm able to support myself in the future.

Don't let that mislead you, though as I have absolutely no job prospects at the moment. A nibble or two from the production department at eye, and the managing editor (who has been fantastic during my time there and whom I hope to get work from in the future) mentioned another possibility.

The only drawback to the job search is the amount of time it takes to get a job versus the amount of time you're willing to spend searching. Catherine, for instance, searched quite a lot for about a month before she began to lose steam. A friend of mine from school, Lisa, just sent her resume in to eye today in hopes of an internship. What we're willing to do to pay our dues says a lot about our grit and determination to succeed.

At this point, I'm willing to settle for survival.

My poor and meagre funds will last me a little while yet provided I stop spending money on things like season 2 of Buffy (it was a bargain... I just have to think of it as an investment) and the only thing slowing me down is how much time and effort I'm willing to put in.

Given that Sarah, a very loud but kind intern was fired yesterday (you couldn't help but see it coming) leaving eye with two interns, I'm kind of surprised that I haven't been asked to stay on until a replacement can be found. Heck, even if they offered me something like $200 for the week I'd probably take it. They've been good to me and I don't want to leave them in a lurch.

Ball's in their court, I suppose. As with everything else, time will sort it all out. As the great sage and eminent junkie put it: "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."

Posted by Parallel


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