Sunday, May 02, 2004 at 7:19 p.m. |
That's right, true believers... I'm done at the Sun. Today was my last day of streeters, nonsense stories and brutal, brutal headaches.

Well, at least until I start my next job.

It's been a fun ride, I suppose, but with any job there are good points and bad. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more had I been paid, had my own work space and maybe more time and experience behind me, but at this point I'll take what I can get.

Tomorrow I have an interview at EYE as well as having to head out to Humber for one last little round of checks and balances on the magazine before we send it out. The blues (blue prints, first copy kinda stuff) will be back in my hands later this week for a final check and then we go to print. Hopefully we'll have it all by next week.

It's an amazing piece of work if I say so myself, but that's only because of the great amount of work and friendship that went into it, particularly from myself, Pushee, Manni and Lori. We deserve to get hammered and soon.

Or maybe that day trip to Wonderland. I entered a contest today to get a Season pass for 4. I'd have to give one to Pushee as he's currently the only friend I have with access to a car. Catherine'd get one. The rest of you... let the bidding begin!
Posted by Parallel


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