Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 9:37 p.m. |
TTCGenerally I have nothing but positive comments to make about the TTC. The service is quick, reliable, and many of the drivers I've encountered could pass for decent human beings, some might even say they're good people.

I don't begrudge them their wish of safety or their desire to better their jobs, but I question their wisdom of pulling that stupid strike on Monday and screwing over nearly a million people in the process. It's a way to get your point across, sure, but there are other ways to go about making a point.

It only requires that you show people the same respect you're complaining you don't get from them. A little warning and people could have otherwise arranged rides or transportation to work. For me, I was happy not to be able to get to work. I called in and was told not to worry about.

Then work screwed me over. Again.

Through my co-worker, an evil manager at the company called and told me I'd be taking a ride to work with him and three other people I would not call human since they have no souls. I got out of my comfy shorts, stopped playing Nintendo, and walked a block or two in the heat while noticing that my black shoes were starting to stick to the sidewalk because they were melting.

All so I could get to work. The rub is that because of the American Memorial Day holiday, my work had already been completed last week in order to hit deadline while my American counterparts were on vacation.

Oh well, it was a nice way to end the weekend. Despite Jamie's vehemence to the contrary, I didn't find X-Men 3 to be that bad of a movie. Perhaps Jamie had too high expectations, but I got what I was expecting from the director of Rush Hour. A fast, dirty action flick. Certainly the weakest of the three in terms of plot, I chose to look at this as part three of one big movie with the big final act and I wasn't disappointed.

Multiple ManI absolutely loved Multiple Man. While not one of the better known characters for a general audience Jamie Madrox (played by Eric Dane) was fantastic. I've been spending quite a bit of time trying to find an image of him online where it shows the shirt he was wearing. It's very similar to one of the designs used in the comics and I want that shirt. Of course, I'd also have to find at least four other guys who look exactly like me in order to pull the whole thing together. I'll likely wind up designing my own damn shirt.

On the whole, I've come to expect much less out of the cinema experience these days. I'm through and through a TV whore now, which is too bad considering how much time it eats up.

It was nice watching X-Men, though, because my dad drove down on his motorcycle and along with Catherine, we walked down to the Paramount to take in the show. It's always good seeing my dad and he seemed happier than he's been in a while, which is always a good thing. What wasn't fun, was trying to explain how to access my blog to a man who blinks a lot when you mentioned websites, links, and bookmarks.

Vernon Wells BobbleheadSunday, Catherine and I went to see the Blue Jays. I think it must be me, but every time I go to a game, they seem to lose. The only consolation was that we got Vernon Wells bobbleheads to take home. Mine is on my desk at the moment and Nathan actually got giggly excited when he saw it. The rest of the game was okay, but in that heat, nothing is fun for long.

Poor Truffle. She's at home with a fan pointed in her direction and all the windows open. At night, we've been running the air conditioner in the bedroom, so we bring her in with us (cage and all) so that she can cool down. It doesn't get TOO hot in that apartment, but hot enough that you start to sweat if you walk any distance at all.

I'm told that this is nothing compared to China. I'm expecting to drop thirty pounds in total due to sweat my first week away.
Posted by Parallel


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