Monday, February 27, 2006 at 12:01 p.m. |
The Shawshank RedemptionI don't normally condone this sort of nonsense, but I don't feel like writing up my Ultimate Avengers impressions just yet. I'll post images and a link tomorrow to a full review I wrote, but for now, just trust me that it isn't the worst thing I've ever seen, but it doesn't deliver on much of its early promise.

Aaron and Jer both did this nonsense list, and normally I avoid such things, but I may as well participate.

Four jobs I've had
Production artist
Movie extra
Hotel maid
supply teacher

(for fun... also paper route, office cleaner, gas station attendent, shopper's drug mart grunt, canadian tire grunt, home hardware cashier, fabric dome maker, imperial tobacco grunt, flea market grunt, changing lamps in office buildings, camp counsellor, L.I.T. co-oridnator, reporter, writer, business editor, art director, tutor, karate instructor, psychiatrist assistant, eBay listings writer, Christmas theme store worker, hotel porter, and I'm sure much, much more).

Four movies I can watch over and over
Shawshank Redemption
Stand By Me
Star Wars
The Princess Bride

Four places I have lived
Jasper, Alberta
Guelph, Ontario
Bolton, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario

Four TV shows I like to watch
Dead Like Me

Four foods that I like
Chicken parm

Four websites I visit daily
Coming Soon

Four things I want to do before I die
Sky diving
Publish a written Marvel story (not just a Marvel comic, which I can't believe I've done)
Publish a novel
Make Catherine & Truffle happy

Four places I would rather be right now
Work! (Just kidding, bash my brains in please)
Um... hrm. Home, NYC, Guelph, at Teacher's College

Is that it? Is that good enough? Wow, I sure hope so. Looking at that list makes me feel like a geek with my own little world of geekery. Not that it's a BAD thing, though!

In other news, I went up a level in karate over the weekend. Then, to celebrate, I helped supervise a tournament for little kids, hung out with Molly Johnson, and cleaned the apartment.

Nothing else happened. At all.
Posted by Parallel


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