Monday, May 07, 2007 at 6:12 p.m. |
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSo, I went to see Spider-Man 3 and I have to say that I enjoyed the movie, though not nearly as much as the first two.

The essential problem with this film is the same problem that most sequels wind up having: we've seen it before. I enjoyed Sandman and I think Venom in particular was done quite well, but it's a lot of plot for one movie.

I still recommend the flick as it won't hurt your appreciation of what has come before (unlike The Matrix sequels), just don't expect anything that's going to wow you.

What IS impressive, however, is the design of Iron Man's armour for the upcoming film. Not only did the filmmakers get it right, they got it REALLY right. I have no complaints about this, nor do the majority of people on message boards.

Perhaps this is a sign of the apocalypse.

Catherine and I enjoyed Free Comic Book day again this year as we got quite the stash. Catherine even bought a trade paperback of her favorite character, Owly. I'll post an issue up at Random Changes one day this week for people to take a look at. It's quite cute.

My internship at Northview is going well, though I might die from boredom. I spend most of my time locked up in the English office making lesson plans for a bullying unit. No teaching, not much to do, so it's low stress, but it's also low on the relevance scale. After all that I've been through this year, I can't even begin to process the idea that I might be teaching full time in as little as four months.
Posted by Parallel


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