Sunday, July 13, 2008 at 11:31 a.m. |
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usIt's hard to believe that we're already three weeks into summer. It goes far too quickly but at the same time I feel like I've already had a ton of vacation. While many of you who teach understand the need for the time off to recharge, I'm kind of shocked at the number of people I run into who think that the whole gig is nothing but gravy.

Still, I get paid for sitting on my butt so I suppose I can't complain too much.

I bit the bullet and signed up at the local gym. I have far too much extra weight and while I tried to give it away no one seemed interested in taking it from me. This place seems pretty cool though with more than 70 classes a week I can sign up for, a pool, a hottub, a sauna, and even a machine that wrings out your bathing suit for you. I know, sounds crazy doesn't it?

I'm still tinkering with the blog and adding new sidebar photos and the like. I have several ready to go but blogger isn't letting me tweak it properly at the moment.

With summer here, I thought I would have more time to just sit around and play games, but my library course keeps me pretty busy most of the time. Once I finish this post I have a bit of work to do for it, then I might finally get around to playing Mass Effect, a game that I bought two months ago.

I still whole-heartedly suggest that you go out and try the new Transformers: Animated cartoon show. It has a lot of potential and I really liked it. The animation took a bit of getting used to, but the plots are solid, the characters fun, and the amount of shout-outs to Generation 1 era geeks like myself keep it nice and fresh.

Not much else is going on. David returns from China this week for a stay of, well, however long until he leaves again. I don't think he has an exact plan. Catherine will take some of her vacation time then with the two of us going to NYC for a week in the beginning of August. I saw Hellboy 2 yesterday which was a good movie. Lots of fun but I couldn't help but watch it very critically to see how well Del Toro will handle the upcoming Hobbit films. The jury is still out.

I'm doing a lot more reading lately as well. I've been making my way through most of Dan Simmons' body of work (Hyperion, Endymion) and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I suggest you pick up The Terror if you like his body of work. I'm also really attached to a short story he wrote about teaching (he was an elementary school teacher for 18 years) called 'The Death of the Centaur.' I might look for a copy online and then post segments of it here for you to read. It's quite well done.
Posted by Parallel


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