Thursday, March 09, 2006 at 11:20 a.m. |
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBy now, you should all know that I love my TiVo. It is a brilliant invention and those of you who do not have one would do well to get one.

Every night, because nothing else is on, TiVo tapes two episodes of Angel for me, because it knows that I like the show. It arranges everything nicely, lets me burn my programs, and yes, it even comforts me if I'm feeling lonely or just need a good hug.

It's a very warm machine... and a good friend.

Oh, and Catherine and Truffle are around as well.

I run into Tivo references with alarming regularity now. It's in the newspapers, my Ultimate Spider-Man comics (seriously, it's a recurring theme, one issue had a group of thugs trying to fence them), and is even referenced in my favorite TV shows, such as Veronica Mars.

It's an invasion of the mind. I stare without blinking into a future of TV goodness.

Speaking of Tivo, some late breaking news from Catherine reveals that the company will no longer be offering lifetime subscriptions to the service, as of the end of next week. It costs about $12 US a month to use the box, unless you pay a smaller fee for the year, or outright purchase a lifetime subscription for $299 US. Tivo offers a discount when you buy through the store that halves that cost right off the bat. Well worth the effort.

I'm pleased Catherine and I have the lifetime service fee, good for as long as our unit survives, but I can imagine many others will be frustrated by this who don't yet have the units, and for Canadians in general who are just preparing to get the box in stores.

Jamie should make a run for the border... before it's too late!
Posted by Parallel


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